The Gentle Side of the Process

Often the breakthroughs we make are quiet. The distractions seem loud. Or they point a big finger and say, "No, not here, look over there!" But the discoveries and insights are often at whisper volume, and they are a small amount of words. "I like this." "This is what I want to do." That's why they often go unnoticed.

We can't blame ourselves, we're encouraged to get and stay distracted. Distractions wear us out and make us numb. From here it's near impossible to have the clarity to see what's happening. But still a feeling can get through and say, "I want to enjoy my life. I want to create some space so I can do what fits me." I think it's a back and forth experience. Life tends to move in extremes. I love your courage to take honest looks at your life for the sake of seeing what works for you.