Getting Reaquainted with Space

One of my clients was clearing out clutter from her closet. When the space was cleared, she began to feel anxious. It was uncomfortable for her.

I told her that it was a normal reaction and that she would be okay. I said that clutter is very distracting. When it's around, we lose touch with our feelings. Clutter acts as a numbing device. Over time we can get used to being disconnected from our feelings and emotions.

When the clutter goes, we become much more aware. Our clarity returns. Our senses are clear. We are open.

This can be a surprising experience at first. We could get temporarily overwhelmed from our feelings. Things we weren't aware we were feeling can rise to the surface.

It helps to know that nothing is wrong. You're actually right on track. You're waking up. Take a deep breath. Let it out slowly.

Watch what you're feeling. It may be loud, but bring in some curiosity about what's going on. The curiosity is about yourself. You're getting reacquainted with you. It's good to know what's going on inside of you.

Without the resistance, it becomes easier to listen, be aware of, and be okay with you and your inner life.

What you're experiencing is aliveness. The purpose of life is to be alive. To feel alive.

When this happens with clients, I tell them avoid the impulse to fill the space up with new things. The space is a valuable thing. As you get used to the open space, you like and want to protect it. You want to stay awake to you.


There are ten days left for the fall clutter busting sale. Between now and October 31st, you can get four 50-minute Skype, facetime, or phone clutter busting sessions for the price of three. That's only $285, a savings of $95 dollars! The sessions must be paid for by October 31st, but they can be scheduled for anytime before or after. Contact me at