The Elusive Clutter

It can sometimes be hard to notice what's clutter. 

I purchased the pair of jeans in the above photo back in June. I bought them from the Gap. The sales person told me that I would look better in their Slim style. I tried them on and told him they felt uncomfortable. He said they would stretch out and I would get used to them.

I must have been tired that day because I took his recommendation over how I was actually feeling. I bought the jeans, brought them home, and put them in my clothes closet.

Occasionally I thought of wearing them, but felt to wear something else instead. Another red flag gone unnoticed.

Finally a week ago, I put on the jeans. They were too tight. I felt like someone had shellacked my legs and I was wearing that as pants. After a few hours they didn't stretch out. They just felt like blue leg braces. I realized they were clutter.

I took them off and put them them next to the umbrella-hat basket near the door (the above photo), so I could take them to a charity drop off the next time I went out.

So here it is, a week later, and there are the pants, sitting in the same place.

I don't know why they are still there. Maybe a part of me feels like I spent $50 on them and I want to get my money's worth. Perhaps I don't want to believe the jeans didn't work out in the way I was promised. It doesn't really matter.

All I know is the jeans don't fit, they feel uncomfortable, and they aren't serving me in any way. My nature is to wear and like things that feel lose and comfortable on my body.

I wanted to share this because even someone who helps people let go of clutter for a living, can have clutter in their life. That's how powerful clutter is. It either keeps you from noticing that it's not a part of your life, or you notice, and it still remains in your life.


I just took a fifteen minute break and dropped the pants off in a charity bin at a local parking lot. What a relief!!
Please feel free to share your own clutter situation and how you finally took action. If you feel comfortable, share some before and after photos!